Formation and characterization of macromolecules

Polymers are used as plastics, paints, elastomers, dental compounds, composites and more, giving them a wide range of applications. The polymerization process is typically monitored with infrared spectroscopy.

The IRis-F1 spectrometer offers high signal-to-noise ratios at time resolutions from microseconds to seconds. It can be used to monitor the polymerization and help understand polymer formation and stabilization, as well as unwanted processes such as cross-linking, aging, contamination or decomposition. Due to its high time resolution, intermediates can be resolved as well.

Typical sample interfaces such as ATR can still be used. In addition, the sensitivity can be increased compared to FTIR-based systems, by increasing the sample interaction length.

The IRis-F1 achieves its superior performance by employing dual-comb spectroscopy based on broadband lasers. The lasers are detected in a so-called multi-heterodyne regime – the acquisition time is not restricted by moving parts.